
首頁 > 產業服務 > 台灣醫藥聯盟 > 美歐 > Swiss Pharmaceutical Co., LTD.

Swiss Pharmaceutical Co., LTD.

網址 http://www.swisspharm.com.tw/english/index.php

聯絡人 Mr. Richard Liao

TEL +886-6-589-3966

產品種類 Finished Dosage Forms

Company Introduction

Swiss Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. dedicates to develop high quality generics with reasonable price. We have over 200 generic products and 250 employees with annual sales of US$ 22mn. Our wide range products cover wide varieties of dosage forms, including solid, semi-solid, liquid, and injectable. Our reputation is built on consistent quality and integrity with PIC/S GMP and USFDA cGMP approval.