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Cellular repairs & antioxidation

《(Wound Healing Assay) Culture-Inserts》


Calculate the ability of cell healing by using cell migration assay.

▲Scope of application

Create consistent cell gap of 500 ± 50 µm, and apply to experiments of wound healing, cell migration, 2D invasion assay, cell co-cultivation, etc.


As showing below, the gaps among cells have various degrees of changes after 4-hour treating of different samples. It can be taken as an evaluation model for the functional effects of wound healing or cell migration.

《Anti-oxidation experiment (DPPH free radical capturability analysis》


Free radicals are a general term for a single unstable molecule, atom or ion. It can be produced in any part of human body, causing aging and specific diseases of human cells. DPPH is a stable free radical and presents blue-violet color. When DPPH free radicals are reduced by hydrogen provided by an antioxidant or combined with another free radical, it suggests that the sample presents good ability to provide hydrogen protons. The stronger the reduction ability of DPPH free radicals, the blue-violet colored DPPH methanol solution will turn into yellow.

▲Scope of application

Many botanical extracts have a variety ability of antioxidation, and have been developed into a highly effective antioxidative cosmetic products for skin care.